I bought this UseeLink water/gas valve which according to the casing was supposed to be SM-AW713Z with the Zigbee radio but is actually SM-AW713 with a Tuya TYWE3S WiFi radio. No wonder it wasn’t being discovered by my Zigbee2mqtt radio!
Flashing Tasmota Firmware
After soldering the wires for the UART connection to the module according to the pinout of the TYWE3S module, I was able to flash the Tasmota firmware onto it according to these instructions.

I used the Jinvoo SM-AW713 Valve device template to configure the device with Tasmota version 9.4:
{"NAME":"Jinvoo Valve v2","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,52,53,0,0,21,17,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
It now operates exactly like the original but doesn’t require the Tuya cloud connection or app.