
I live in Latvia with my wife Baiba and our two kids. I’m developing online courses for experienced WordPress developers and a suite of plugins and solutions for enterprise WordPress users at WP Elevator. Earlier in the year I wrapped up a 9 year journey at XWP as a director of systems engineering.

In 2019 we discovered the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) and are still interested into all areas of personal finances and future planning. I highly recommend the Choose Fi podcast, The Simple Path to Wealth book by J.L. Collins, and the Bogleheads community.

On January 1st, 2017 I started my video blog because writing regular blog posts was no longer as exciting and took more time. The most popular episode is about adding a display to the Orange Pi Zero micro-computer.

I’m a big fan of the POSSE which is why every video has a blog entry on this site and all content is available through ActivityPub on Mastadon and other networks via ActivityPub

I’m also interested in cryptography and digital identity after getting my Latvian ID card in the summer of 2015. This led me to discover Yubico, FIDO U2F, PGP and everything related to JavaCards, encryption and authentication. I contribute to the two factor authentication plugin for WordPress.

Last updated on January 2025.

This page is part of the /now movement created by Derek Sivers.