Enable Remote Logging for Mikrotik RouterOS

Since versions 7.18 of RouterOS I’ve been having trouble with the LTE connection on RBwAPR-2nD with R11e-LTE6 modem (firmware V038) where it would randomly go into an infinite loop of lte1 link up and lte1 link down every few days.

So I configured remote logging to capture the events that happen in the lead up to the issue since the logs on the disk get rotated very quickly due to the shear volume of the messages. Turns out that setting up the remote logging in RouterOS is way more involved so I wrote this guide to note some of the undocumented behaviors and features.

Logging in RouterOS

Logging can be configured under “System → Logging” where you define Rules about which log events (topics) trigger which log Actions:

Logging rules for event topics in Mikrotik RouterOS

Most of these rules are pre-configured by default.

Each rule has two parts:

  1. Topics which is either log severity — critical, error, warning, info, debug or a specific component targeting — lte, firewall, etc.
  2. Action for where the log entry is sent — echo for terminal output, memory for RAM, disk for writing to flash, email for email and remote for what we’re after.

And here is the individual rule configuration:

Logging rule in Mikrotik RouterOS

Important: the topic selection is ANDed together — specifying multiple topics will make the rule apply only if the log event belongs to all of the selected topics!

The Regex filtering can be applied to the log string contents to narrow down the selected events even further. Each rule can have only one action!

Funny how RouterOS is glass half-empty with the “NOT INVALID” flag.

Remote Log Action

We need to configure the remote log action which is enabled by default but without the remote address defined. Here are the available configuration options:

Remote logging action in Mikrotik RouterOS

It supports three remote log formats:

  • default — a custom Mikrotik format that matches the RouterOS log strings.
  • BSD syslog — which is actually the legacy RFC 3164 standard (replaced with RFC 5424).
  • CEF or Common Event Format with pipe-delimited fields with syslog prefix.

which can be transported over UDP or TCP with additional customization for the timestamp format:

  • BSD (example: Mar 16 17:43:09)
  • ISO8610 (example: 2025-03-16T17:48:26.0000+0200)

Here are examples of a log messages in each format:

Default Format

Note how it doesn’t include the event timestamp:

system,info log action changed by macintosh-intel-mac-os-x/web:admin@ (/system logging action set "" remote= remote-log-format=default remote-port=9514 remote-protocol=udp src-address= syslog-facility=daemon syslog-severity=auto syslog-time-format=bsd-syslog target=remote)

BSD syslog Format

Note the priority prefix <30> follow by the timestamp in the header.

<30>Mar 16 17:43:09 mt-hap-capsman log action changed by macintosh-intel-mac-os-x/web:admin@ (/system logging action set "" remote= remote-log-format=syslog remote-port=9514 remote-protocol=udp src-address= syslog-facility=daemon syslog-severity=auto syslog-time-format=bsd-syslog target=remote)

BSD syslog with ISO8610 timestamp:

<30>2025-03-16T17:48:26.0000+0200 mt-hap-capsman log action changed by macintosh-intel-mac-os-x/web:admin@ (/system logging action set "" remote= remote-log-format=syslog remote-port=9514 remote-protocol=udp src-address= syslog-facility=daemon syslog-severity=auto syslog-time-format=iso8601 target=remote)

CEF Format

Note how this appears to be the most verbose and include additional information about the system config:

Mar 16 17:43:38 mt-hap-capsman CEF:0|MikroTik|hAP ac^2|7.18.2 (stable)|10|system,info|Low|dvchost=mt-hap-capsman dvc= msg=log action changed by macintosh-intel-mac-os-x/web:admin@ (/system logging action set "" cef-event-delimiter\="" remote\= remote-log-format\=cef remote-port\=9514 remote-protocol\=udp src-address\= syslog-facility\=daemon syslog-severity\=auto syslog-time-format\=bsd-syslog target\=remote)

Syslog Server with Grafana Promtail and Loki

Here is a minimal docker-compose.yml for a Grafana Promtail listening on port 5514 for UDP traffic and pushing syslog entries to a Grafana Loki server on port 3100:

    image: grafana/loki:latest
      - 3100:3100

    image: grafana/promtail:3.4.2
      - 5514:5514/udp
      - etc-promtail:/etc/promtail
    command: -config.file=/etc/promtail/promtail-config.yml


and the promtail-config.yml contents:

  disable: true

  filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

  - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push

  - job_name: syslog
      listen_protocol: udp
      syslog_format: rfc3164
        job: syslog
      - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_hostname']
        target_label: host
      - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_hostname']
        target_label: instance
      - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_app_name']
        target_label: application
      - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_severity']
        target_label: level

Although Grafana Promtail is being replaced with Grafana Alloy, I found the new configuration format much harder to work with so I’m sticking with Promtail as something well tested and reliable.

Logs in Grafana

You can then add Loki as a data source in Grafana and display the logs as needed:

Mikrotik RouterOS syslog in Grafana

Debug Syslog UDP and TCP Traffic

You can use netcat (nc) to capture the messages sent by RouterOS on the remote host:

  • nc -k -v -l -p 6514 to capture TCP traffic on port 9514.
  • nc -k -v -l -u -p 5514 to capture UDP traffic on port 5514.


  • -k keeps the connection alive and listening,
  • -v prints verbose information,
  • -l makes it listen for incoming connections instead of making one,
  • -p for port to listen on.
  • -u for UDP traffic (defaults to TCP without the flag).
Using nc (netcat) to debug Mikrotik RouterOS remote syslog

Or tcpdump to capture both TCP and UDP traffic in a PCAP file for viewing in Wireshark:

tcpdump -i any port 6514 -w dump-tcp.pcap
Remote syslog traffic from Mikrotik RouterOS in Wireshark

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