See below for more screenshots of the Apple TV shopping experience
I wonder if it has to be a tvOS app. Glad there is the WooCommerce REST API. Apparently it’s all HTML and Javascript with some Apple specific app magic on top:
You build these client-server apps using web technologies such as HTTPS, XMLHTTPRequest, DOM, and JavaScript. You use Apple’s custom markup language, TVML, to create interfaces, and you specify app behaviors in a TVML document using JavaScript. The TVMLKit framework provides the bridge between your native code and the JavaScript/TMVL code in your user interface.
Here is an illustration of the Apple TV app client-server model:

Source: developer.apple.com
Your JavaScript file loads TVML pages and pushes each page onto the navigation stack. As the user navigates through your app, TVML pages are pushed and popped from the stack. After the user closes your app, the Apple TV home screen appears.
Here are the docs for the Apple’s Television Markup Language (TVML) with an example of a product page:
<heroImage src="…" />
<!—- Everything following is under the fold —->
which results into something like this:

Source: developer.apple.com
Screenshots of the Apple TV Shopping Experience
- Store category browser and selector
- Shop product browser and picker
- Store category product listing and selector
- Single product page on Apple TV
- Inidividual product page with photo, price, description
- Large size product photo zoom
- Buy now button on the single product page
- Product options and variations on Apple TV
- Store checkout page, payment and shipping details on Apple TV
- Purchase confirmation on Apple TV
Screenshots from the Apple Special Event video.
Tv-commerce solution would be great