Hiking DDS238-2 ZN/S is a cheap €25 single phase energy meter which can measure import and export energy in addition to all the standard parameters, and has a Modbus interface over RS485.

I used this Modbus registry information to create this device template for Home Assistant where the meter is attached to the Protoss PE11 RS485 to TCP gateway (available for €25) available on IP
which must be adjusted for your setup or switched to a serial config:
- name: Protoss PE11
type: tcp
port: 502
timeout: 0.5
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Total Energy
device_class: energy
state_class: total
unit_of_measurement: kWh
address: 0
count: 2
data_type: uint32
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Export Energy
device_class: energy
state_class: total_increasing
unit_of_measurement: kWh
address: 8
count: 2
data_type: uint32
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Import Energy
device_class: energy
state_class: total_increasing
unit_of_measurement: kWh
address: 10
count: 2
data_type: uint32
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Voltage
device_class: voltage
unit_of_measurement: V
address: 12
data_type: uint16
scale: 0.1
precision: 1
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Current
device_class: current
unit_of_measurement: A
address: 13
data_type: uint16
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Power
device_class: power
data_type: int16
unit_of_measurement: W
address: 14
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Reactive Power
device_class: apparent_power
data_type: uint16
unit_of_measurement: VAr
address: 15
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Power Factor
device_class: power_factor
unit_of_measurement: '%'
data_type: uint16
address: 16
scale: 0.1
precision: 1
- name: DDS238-2 ZN-S Frequency
device_class: frequency
unit_of_measurement: Hz
data_type: uint16
address: 17
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
very great to have found Your blog. I use the same energy meter dds238 in a Home Assistant, but there is no way to get data from it.
I have a different RS485 to TCP / IP converter, I use Moxa.
I tried to use your settings, but didn’t get anything. I used to use the MajoDoMo smart home system and it had modbus running on it, nothing happens on the HA even with the parameters you write. If you could take the time to look at where I have an error, or have advice on where to look for an error, I would be very grateful.
MOXA MGate MB3180 web console settings:
Ethernet IP address
Mode RTU Slave
Baud rate 9600
Data bit 8
Stop bit 1
Flow control None
FIFO disable
Interface RS-485 2wire
type Modbus serial
Were you able to confirm that MOXA can communicate with the device via RS-485 or that the TCP service for the particular RS485 connection is actually exposed on port 502?
For version DD238-2 ZN/SR (with relay) need to use array command for change register insted single register change command (holding = 0x06 and this is dont work but holdings = 0x10 and work great):