Ever wanted to style the various type of input fields (file, text, textarea, etc.) differently when using Gravity Forms? Here is a simple a snippet of code to add those classnames to all input field wrappers:
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', 'add_input_type_gravity_forms' ); function add_input_type_gravity_forms( $form ) { foreach ( $form['fields'] as $f => $field ) $form['fields'][$f]['cssClass'] .= 'input-type-' . $field['type']; return $form; }
Hide Upload Fields from iPhone, iPad and Mobile Webkit Users
I use this filter in combination with a few lines of Javascript and jQuery to hide all upload fields from the iOS users.
$(document).ready(function() { if ( navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) ) { $('.input-type-fileupload').remove(); } });
I have a gravity forms field (Quantity: Field ID 33) that I want to hide from the viewer using CSS. Could you show me what I have to post in my wordpress quick CSS field and in the CSS Class Name to achieve this? Thank yoU!
Eddie, you should use a class like
in the form settings and then add.private { display:none; }
to your CSS file.Thank you Kaspars, this is very helpful. I’m surprised this isn’t default functionality in Gravity Forms.