On November 14, 2024 at 14:48
I can't believe that Caddy doesn't support any kind of caching controls out of the box. Even for a local development environment this isn't acceptable. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I can't believe that Caddy doesn't support any kind of caching controls out of the box. Even for a local development environment this isn't acceptable. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
This Docker images from WP VIP are some of the nicest and cleanest I've ever seen. https://github.com/Automattic/vip-container-images
Is there a static site generator that also bundles a webserver with local CMS for CRUD operations?
I really wish we could swap out the WordPress image size setting for just the aspect ratio selector and have all the responsive sizes be generated dynamically. How do you approach these settings on your sites?
Responded to @2d1c536d-3ed4-4f64-af7b-32d159aea8ef:
@kravietz Right?! Do you have any experience with Traefik? I’m planning on trying that next.
After years of using nginx-proxy for request routing to Docker containers, I decided to try https://github.com/lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy. The mapping of service labels to Caddy config files is pretty involved and fails silently if misconfigured. Will be trying out Traefik with k3s next.
What is your preferred way of doing this?
How come ‘docker image save’ doesn’t support a reliable platform flag for export? And that’s a well known issue.
Today I learned that WordPress doesn't support multisites with WordPress files in a sub-directory (any Composer setup) without rewrite rules for core files, see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23221#comment:19
Autumn’s been awesome this year! It’s getting dark early, but I’m kinda loving the excuse to switch on the headlamps for the evening kid shuttle.
With the Update Pilot Server you now automatically get a private Composer repository for all your plugins and themes. All protected with the same product keys used for regular WP updates.
I'll be testing this with my own products before making it public. Is this something you would be interested in?
What’s your take on encrypting environment variables on servers? Where do you store the private key and how do you ensure it doesn’t leak just like environment variables would?
I see that https://github.com/MightyMoud/sidekick is using SOPS, for example.
During the weekend I was able to decode the firmware upgrade process for my Gree mini-split AC. While my unit currently fails to apply the latest official update, this will hopefully allow others to verify the process.
Here is the detailed explanation: https://github.com/cmroche/greeclimate/issues/111
Looking for exciting and useful productivity tools? These two https://syntax.fm episodes have 60 of them! See https://syntax.fm/show/826/you-need-these-30-apps-part-1 and https://syntax.fm/show/826/you-need-these-30-apps-part-2
Todo Tree is a handy VSCode extension that shows all your TODO comments in a single sidebar panel. It can even detect to-dos in README sections. Get it from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Gruntfuggly.todo-tree
Thinking of trying out a few popular Linux distros from https://distrowatch.com — from a flash drive and a live boot just like in the old days. Love seeing all the different creative takes at desktop UX.
In order to support distributed WP ecosystem we need to implement vendor isolation for plugin and theme folders to avoid namespace conflicts. How about plugin-name@example.com for folder names? What would you suggest?
Hahaha… guess what happens when you update a plugin on a server running the update service? 🤣 How does one get updates to the update server?
Did you know that plugin and theme ZIPs from WP-org have an additional directory inside them matching the slug? GitHub ZIPs have directories with random suffixes so they require special treatment.
How do you get your kids to do chores around the house? Ours are ~10yo and I feel like we’ve missed the opportunity to start it early 😅
Today I learned that Composer Satis doesn't pull in the project-level auth.json so you must set it globally. Ended up creating an issue: https://github.com/composer/satis/issues/932