On December 27, 2024 at 18:18
Responded to @cincura_net:
@cincura_net Do you let the APs self-select the channels? Wondering if there are better ways to do it?
Responded to @cincura_net:
@cincura_net Do you let the APs self-select the channels? Wondering if there are better ways to do it?
Time for some end-of-year homelab work — config backups for Mikrotik routers, HomeAssistant and related Docker container config backups and upgrades.
Responded to @kasparsd:
The hardest thing was to merge the form submissions with existing data as fields could be added and removed from the form. It also adds the form headers automatically. I enjoy fun array math 😅
Ever wanted to store your Contact Form 7 submissions in https://tablepress.org? The free version of Controls for Contact Form 7 will get that in early January.
p.s. the feature is ready but I just didn't want to risk accidental regressions before the holidays.
Does anyone know why the site-editor (at wp-admin/site-editor.php?postType=page&postId=2&canvas=edit) doesn't return the post meta with `useEntityProp( 'postType', postType, 'meta' );` when editing a page?
Responded to @kasparsd:
If you want to learn about strategies to solve this, I'm developing an online video course that will help you understand the internal workings and best practices of reliable development environments. Leave your email address at https://wpelevator.com to get notified when it launches.
Responded to @kasparsd:
The intent of wp-env is definitely to streamline the "getting started" phase but it does come with some serious limitations when you want to develop a truly reliable development environment.
The wp-env local development environment prefers to bundle things like WP core, plugins and even the PHPUnit testing library. This leads to all these files being hidden from your editor which prevents proper debugging. Even a mapping in .wp-env.json doesn't expose those internal directories to the host machine.
Responded to @kasparsd:
There is a schemas.wp.org domain which redirects to the relevant version of the schema file in the Gutenberg repository https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/trunk/schemas such as:
– https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json
– https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/theme.json
– https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/wp-env.json
VS Code supports this out of the box https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/json#_json-schemas-and-settings
Did you know that WordPress theme.json, block.json and other *.json files have their reference schema files which allow your code editor to autocomplete and lint the syntax? Simply add a $schema element to the top of the JSON content and let the editor do the job.
What’s the typical spending limit for engineering leaders on a single tool or subscription before needing an approval? Curious how this applies in the WordPress space. A range is fine, too!
Today I released an update to Controls for Contact Form 7 plugin which helps you with submission analytics, redirects and various other features that are normally configurable only through code. Get it here: https://formcontrols.com
State of the Word 2024 is live now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySolP8YjODU
Responded to @kasparsd:
DKIM is a wonderful technology that is much easier to setup than companies want you to believe. Get reliable email delivery without paying a monthly fee for an SMTP service.
My wife launched a knitting notebook yesterday and the order confirmation emails all went to spam. I quickly built a WordPress plugin that signs all outgoing emails with DKIM. Today all mail has 100% delivery!
Turns out the wp_template post type in WP core doesn't register support for post meta so we can't store any SEO meta for the homepage template in the full-site editor, for example. Does anyone know if this was intentional?