On January 15, 2025 at 14:48

I just realized that with distributed WordPress packages and signing, all vendor code must be isolated to avoid one trusted vendor from publishing an update with another vendor's package content which would overwrite it.

On January 14, 2025 at 20:39

Responded to @kasparsd:

5. While this proposal addresses signing and trust, it does not solve directory name isolation for plugins and themes — that would require a separate solution entirely.

What do you think? Is this simple enough to encourage adoption? What could be improved?

On January 14, 2025 at 20:39

Responded to @kasparsd:

3. For the first install of any plugin or theme, users would need to explicitly specify the trusted key for the vendor. Each download page would prominently display the public key for users to specify.

4. Key rotation could be automated via custom HTTP headers with signed payloads. A single valid public key would ensure that revoked or invalid keys stop working immediately.

On January 14, 2025 at 20:39

Here is a proposal for distributed WordPress package signing:

1. The system relies on users adding the public keys of trusted vendors to their site settings. The update API then includes Ed25519 signatures of SHA256 ZIP hashes in the HTTP headers of the updates.

2. This approach could work seamlessly with a Composer for automated CI/CD installs through a custom plugin.

On January 14, 2025 at 17:29

Does anyone know the history behind the choice of SHA384 hash and X-Content-Signature HTTP header for WP core update signatures? Why not SHA256?

On January 14, 2025 at 14:48

Did you know that the WordPress PHPUnit testing library supports a magic global $wp_tests_options variable to pre-configure any option values such as the enabled plugins or custom plugin options?

On December 31, 2024 at 07:52

Responded to @p:

@normis Es joprojām meklēju kādu torni vai jumtu Cēsīs, kur uzlikt repeater vai router nodi. Atrodu vietas, kur varētu dabūt 140m virs jūras līmeņa. Tehniski vajadzētu aizniegt Rīgu.

On December 28, 2024 at 12:42

How are you handling IoT device isolation in your home network to ensure that mDNS still works? Do you do separate APs and VLANs?

On December 27, 2024 at 18:23

Is there a self-hosted option for watching YouTube videos without the ads? Ideally, something distributed where peers can seed the videos and potentially auto-download everything from my subscriptions?