On April 4, 2024 at 13:20
I wish it was possible to renew a domain name for more than 10 years…
I wish it was possible to renew a domain name for more than 10 years…
Turns out my #scrypted #homekit integration broke due to this commit https://github.com/koush/scrypted/commit/90a7e447040d257e39052fc4fc062c480e326163 which changed MDNS advertiser from MDNSAdvertiser.AVAHI when there is avahi-daemon running on the Docker host and volume mapped to /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
Previously it was running a dedicated instance of CIAO inside the container. Would there be issues with having two MDNS servers on the same network host?
Built this tiny #homelab server rack from leftover plywood — turned out pretty nice. Metal brackets are from Amazon.
What is some open source #maker hardware you have purchased recently?
Yesterday I learned that all recent #Bafang motors and controllers for ebikes use #CANbus for communication. Their #BESST configuration tool https://bafang-e.com/en/oem-area/service/besst/ is an electron app which conveniently includes source maps, so I was able to reconstruct the original #Vuejs source code. I’ve posted my findings on GitHub https://github.com/kasparsd/besst-reference
Finally a good review of the n305 NAS board https://nascompares.com/2024/03/15/the-topton-n305-nas-motherboard-hardware-deep-dive-review/ — information about the actual power consumption to be coming soon from what I understand.
Responded to @kasparsd:
The actual video quality is not great with a lot of background glare and the contrast changing drastically depending on the viewing angle.
Found this 11 inch HDMI and USB-C monitor for 50 EUR that works with Beelink EQ12 (n100) and Beelink U59 Pro (N5105) over USB-C with both Ubuntu and Windows 11 out of the box https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005650269591.html #homelab
Responded to @kasparsd:
It is now pulling in images as well 🫰 That should be enough of tinkering for a Saturday morning.
Responded to @kasparsd:
Turns out it was due to a bad conditional — it was checking for “Note” type on activity instead of the activity object.
Ok, who did the networking for the Google’s campus and why doesn’t it work? #homelab https://www.reuters.com/technology/googles-newest-office-has-ai-designers-toiling-wi-fi-desert-2024-03-07/
Responded to @kasparsd:
Well, looks like it didn’t pull in any new content over night.
Responded to @zrail:
@zrail That’s lower than I expected. I have my UPS draw additional 15W on top of the 30W from NAS https://kaspars.net/blog/powerwalker-vi-500-r1u
A 10W source in a 20x20x20in box gives you 6.6W per m2 or 0.33W/m2 at dT=20K which is achievable with 4in of pretty much any insulation board.
Used the public JSON activity feed from Mastodon to pull in toots into my WP site as a custom post type https://kaspars.net/notes
Doesn’t support images, yet. Should be relatively easy to implement. #PESOS
Noticed that #ActivityPub plugin for WordPress added a new reply to comments feature two weeks ago which started enqueueing 2MB of Javascript on all single post views. Created a pull request to fix that https://github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub/pull/706
Responded to @janboddez:
@janboddez Thanks for sharing this! Which Micropub app are you using? I can’t seem to find anything for iOS.
Responded to @kasparsd:
@janboddez I wonder if I could extend it to also pull in content from Mastodon… just purely to use the Mastodon apps for publishing instead of WP admin.
Responded to @kasparsd:
@janboddez Haha, I assume it is this https://jan.boddez.net/wordpress/share-on-mastodon 🤦♂️
@janboddez How are you posting Notes https://jan.boddez.net/notes to Mastodon and then capturing their URLs?