I got 100 mobile speed, 100 desktop speed and 100 user experience.
WordPress 4.0, Shared Hosting and No CDN
These are my recipes :
1. Minify CSS and JavaScript files
use this plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/async-js-and-css/
2. Caching
use W3total cache : https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/
3. Losslessly compression image
use this tool : http://pngquant.org/
4. For logo and banner on homepage
Convert them all to Base64 Image . it will reduce http request. Tool that I use : http://duri.me
5. Combine all css in your style.css
6. Combine the js file too ( put in your footer )
7. If you using Google analytics, upload ga.js on your hosting. Put it on your root directory
8. Do not use lazy load plugins ( it will decrease your score )
9. Don’t use Social Share plugins ( You can make it without using any plugin )
10. Don’t display feature image/ thumbnails on your homepage, you will fail.
Good luck..
Johny Kurniawan