Store Contact Form 7 Submissions in TablePress

Contact Form 7 to TablePress

Here is a quick snippet of a PHP to store Contact Form 7 form submissions in TablePress tables. Make sure you update the form-to-table-ID mapping in $form_to_table_map array to match your setup:

	function ( $contact_form ) {
		// Map Contact Form ID to Table ID.
		$form_to_table_map = [
			4 => 1,

		$form_id = $contact_form->id();

		if ( isset( $form_to_table_map[ $form_id ] ) && class_exists( 'TablePress' ) ) {
			$table_id = $form_to_table_map[ $form_id ];
			$table_model = TablePress::load_model( 'table' );
			$table = $table_model->load( $table_id );

			if ( is_array( $table['data'] ) ) {
				$form_data = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance()->get_posted_data();
				$table['data'][] = array_map( 'strval', $form_data );
				$table_model->save( $table );

On each form submission it checks if the contact form ID matches an existing table ID and writes all field values to a new row in that table.

Be sure to register enough columns to fit all of contact form fields!


  1. Yann says:


    I added your script but after submitting data from CF7:

    1. no data was sent to tablepress (*).
    2. it adds a code at the end of the url page such as #wpcf7-f11240-o2. So if you refresh the page, a resend message popups.

    TablePress id = 2

    so i updated script

    $form_to_table_map = [
    	4 => 2,
    • Kaspars says:

      That looks correct! Can you please confirm that your Contact Form ID is 4? If not, then change the 4 on the left from 2 to the correct form ID or add another pair of form ID mapping to a TablePress ID.

      • Yann says:

        TablePress got data from CF7 but the table doesn’t display data in frontend because your code is adding 2 extra columns at the end of the table, one being empty “”

        Column 1: Name – Peter
        Column 2: Email –
        Extra column: 1 – 11241
        Extra column: “” – No

        • Yann says:

          I had to go to the backend to refresh first, then unhide the related row in tablepress in order to display data frontend. strange behavior :)

  2. Tommaso says:

    This snippet works perfectly! Thank you a lot.

  3. Scott says:

    @Kaspars Thank you! This code works excellently!

    Text-based fields work as expected, however I have a problem with arrays (checkboxes, radios, etc). I checked the database entry and this code just adds the text “Array” as the value. I have tried to fix it myself with some loops but with no success.

    Can you provide an update that will parse the arrays into plain text?

    • Kaspars says:

      See this post for how to parse the form fields. Looks like you could check if the data is an array and transform it into a string like this:

      $form_data = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance()->get_posted_data();
      $table['data'] = array_map(
          function( $field ) {
              if ( is_array( $field ) ) {
                  return implode( ', ', $field );
              return strval( $field );

      I haven’t tested this so I’m not sure if it works and what is the format that TablePress expects `$table[‘data’]` to be.

      • Scott says:

        Thanks again Kaspars!
        In my case I’ve implemented your suggestion like so:

        if ( is_array( $table['data'] ) ) {
                $form_data = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance()->get_posted_data();
        	//Grab the arch field
        	$arch = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance()->get_posted_data( 'arch' );
        	// Cast to array and join the array elements with a comma.
        	$arch = implode( ', ', (array) $arch );
        	// Write new value to form_data
        	$form_data['arch'] = $arch;
        	$table['data'][] = array_map( 'strval', $form_data );
        	$table_model->save( $table );

        For now i’m grabbing the specific fields that I know need to be imploded, some dropdowns and a group of checkboxes. I’m wondering, if I’m not using the ', ' separator can I completely remove the first argument? My temp solution is to make it an empty ''.

  4. Toby says:

    Where does this snippet of code get added?

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