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Usage: %c - UART Firmware Upgrade %c - Reset Please input the cmd: Usage: %c - UART Firmware Upgrade %c - Reset Please input the cmd: nvram_state: 0x%x %d sbl_cfg: %d method1: %d method2: 0x%x method2: 0x%x method2: 0x%x cmd_upgrade: 0x%x cmd_reset: 0x%x dbg_uart_rxpin: 0x%x dbg_uart_txpin: 0x%x Trigger method - Assert PIN check: Invalid upgrade GPIO number %d [%d] Upgrade PIN[%d] state %d UART Upgrade PIN[%d] is not asserted Trigger method - Delay and check magic pattern: delay and check: out! %d - %d TIMEOUT - not got magic pattern Trigger method - unknown %d flash: 0x%x 0x%x partitiontbl_addr: 0x%x partition_tbl_size: %d [0]: addr=0x%x - %d size=0x%x partitiontbl: [%d]: addr=0x%x - 0x%x %d !!%d!! 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OTA upgrade fail: error code = %d! the f_StrProBar is:%d http:// ota ip is: %x, %s %3d.%3d.%3d.%3d %u.%u.%u.%u RSN/WPA2= 802.1X PSK WEP TKIP AES WPA= WEP Datahosta name is [%s] ip address is [%x].port is [%d] close connect station socket %2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X -------------------dat tcp close ------------------------ Report Repeat Data Count is %d Report Data Count is %d Report After TenMin Data Count is %d Close socket successful, socket is %d Close faile, code is %d dat_tcp_socket not exist! error code is %d OEEPHidSvrVer DevID name induptype outduptype SetTem WdSpd Quiet SwUpDn SwingLfRig Add0.5 TemUn TemRec Health SvSt SwhSw HeatCoolType StHt LTemDry SwhSlp SlpMod HasTmr TmrLpTms TmrOff TmrOn CurTmHor CurTmMin TmrOnHorLf TmrOnMinLf TmrOffHorLf TmrOffMinLf DsplySt EnvFun JFErrorCode AssHt SwhFreAir AllErr Coolmod HeatCool LedLig SmartMod Add0.1 ModelType AppTimer Wind UDFanPort DnPUDSwing DnPLLRSwing DnPRLRSwing AirQ PM2P5 ElcDatHor ElcDatDte ElcDatMth HumSen ElcP ElcOnKwh ElcAllKwhClr ElcAllKwhH ElcAllKwhL AutoClean TemSen Emod PctCleOnTm EvapClr NobodySave BlkTemCom HabitLearn SmartWind HandCtl VocCtl VocIdiom VocRole ImgUpdateCol EnvArea1St EnvArea2St EnvArea3St EnvArea4St EnvArea5St EnvArea6St EnvArea7St EnvArea8St EnvArea9St FbidBloPer DIYGra1PoiAmo SwhDIYGra1 Slp1L1 Slp1H1 Slp1L2 Slp1H2 Slp1L3 Slp1H3 Slp1L4 Slp1H4 Slp1L5 Slp1H5 Slp1L6 Slp1H6 Slp1L7 Slp1H7 Slp1L8 Slp1H8 ImgVerSta VocUpdateCol VocVerSta LigSen Video PctCleSetTm MasSub MasIDUMod GetEr HeatSvStTemMax HumiSvStTemMin CoolSvStTemMin Wmod WsetTmp WschOn WschOnMin WschOff WschOffMin Wtmr1 Wtmr1Min Wtmr2 Wtmr2Min Wtmr3 Wtmr3Min WsenTmpH WsenTmpM WsenTmpL Werr WsenNub WstpSv WstpH WatTmp MaeS FanMod ModS VitiGr GasN TemSor HumSor PM2P5V PctCle PctRe IDUAirQu AirQu ODUViti GasAvail GasLED GasMod GasMas PM2P5Sta SorErr CommErr Dmod Dfltr Dpump Dwet DwatFul DwatSen Smod Sfog RemWarnLig Security SecurityMode ImageRecovery Srst Swat Swash SrstPP SrstPF SrstCF SrstRF SrstAF MakeWat WatErr mode wspd light StTmr fltrst wipm25 wopm25 estate airQlt Purify DFPoint EnvTem CpsTem ImgUpdateSucs VocUpdateRes MicroSen ReplaceHEPA UnmanedShutDown UnmanedOffTime PMVComfort Defrost Antifreeze FavorMode ImgUpdateSta ImgUpdateFail VocUpdateSta MafIdf SwhWifi SwhWifiRe SwhWifiCo datDump datRep datFailRe datPeroid subCnt InHidDownPer OEEPHidDownPer devinhidownver deveephidownver inUpStat outUpStat ACStupPos SaveGuid NoiseSet RoomLen RoomWid RoomHigh CoolNoise HeatNoise ElcErg ElcGear Elc1Kwh AutoUpdate AutoComnCloud lock apssid appsw host time vender model series brand catalog country InHid InHidSvrVer OEEPHid pack tcid ----indoor udp recv loop mem left: %d!------ close wifidiscon indoor socket cols week setT updateT enable deleteT queryT index count scan status bind upgrade Uptemp = %s recv upgrade pack error! the IndUpgradeMode is:%d the OutdUpgradeMode is:%d recv upgrade pack wifi indoor! surver dis.gree.com Use Port is [%d] station tcp qcom_connect() succeed: %d asvr configok devLogin devLogin packets is station udp send jsoncharbuf is: %s gree bindok resT listT total list hbok hb send: %d,lost: %d Sslkeydev: %s recv hbok system run time is: %ds WifiTimeSvr:%s after fix:%s uname tcpPort udpPort Receive udpPort:%d datHostPort wlan ssid recv upgrade pack wifi station! dump period datHost loginRes station tcp time send charbuf is: %s station tcp hb send charbuf is: %s station tcp hb sever ip: %x station tcp hb sever port: %u ***** Enter Factory 2 period ***** ***** Enter Factory 1 period ***** moduletest test1234 ***** Factory 1 period successful !!!***** connecting MAC: %s WifiHidVer: %s WiFi connect success! Connect failure! u%04x null false true wifi default! 7f200143 7f200142 7f2cc000 6df91a7290097f6df76098cbac8cbc76 frame (type=%02x,len=%d,rssi=%d) Router key:%s GREEIOTIOT ssid=%s channel=%d rssi=%d security = NONE! GREE connection version V1.2 success ITlink task exit OK 6d8r%4e5a78d9bcf Glink4004C-V2.0 ltlink_verify failed. ======group_link_end == 1 ========== 10001 V1.2.1 362001065735+U-QCOM4004CFV3.74.bin WifiHidVer: %s WifiHidCode: %s 2021-3-12 00:00:00 Host version : Hostless Target version : QCM Firmware version : %s Firmware changelist : %s Interface version : EBS - built on %s %s 12345678 wifi connecting... wifi connect err: %d callback value: %d mutex tsk task index is full. malloc stack failed. malloc thr failed. thread create failed, return value : 0x%x. ### MEM FREE : %d. --->tsk exit : %s. event flags 0 create event 0x%x. wake up at failed. Jun 27 2019 22:54:04 %d.%d.%d.%d UART1 Enable Disable UART2 main_app B c0 s2R" b$C4 S6r& <` A >2.Q P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T Wfvv F4VL DXeH uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ c=|" %{:d r,m3 4j+u main_app "2F K3ge 300t K3ge D@@tG K3ge D@@tG K3BH K3BJ K3BL K3B^ \Ff(E rD/"J "D/ N &&=#&] &} &&=#&] &} Q&)N" U{3{D h%"D I*"\I ]q"X [r"O <"M Zq"X )!2A RA rN#2 2N$q "aE D@@t*# tF LtLcLWLO<^ U*EB \n | &)_&9d&IO&Y "C *1# 9"J RB%2B&w &IhrE * + L@ mv M]BMY@ M\BMX M`AI BMev Y1 RCDRc f9(` !.eX !.eY !.eX a;eL a/%N a-Ba7 _ra1 fIMQ !9KU a5KU )&9 f]6% f]#% !) ""C !5Ly !5L8 !5LO !5L[ !/%h !/eb a>R!> a%Ba( !5<= 2!%B!( 2!<` ba:V "_tBH "Yp0 ,"N L+BJ -BL ; "^t =BL ; . 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IOE Kingfisher Simple Connect v2



Authentication OpenWPAWPA2

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Encryption NoneTKIPCCMP

Encryption is


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