WordPress Plugins which I Use

Here is a list of plugins that are currently active behind this blog.

Admin CSS (my own), Akismet, Chunk Urls for WordPress, Comment Saver, Custom Function Widgets (mine), del.icio.us for WordPressDigg & Reddit Me (almost completely rewritten by me), FeedBurner FeedSmith, Feed Universe (mine), Filosofo Comments Preview, Get Recent Comments, Google XML Sitemaps, Grunion Contact Form (heavily modified), Insights, KB Advanced RSS Widget, MiniPosts2, Nonce, Please!, OpenID, Peter’s Blog URL Shortcodes, PHP Speedy WP, Post-Plugin Library, Quick Reply Template Plugin, Random Posts, Redirection, Share This (jQuery), Smart Archives, Subscribe To Comments, Tabbed Widgets (mine), Thumbnails for Post Excerpts (mine, not public yet), Widget Context (mine, not released yet), WordPress.com Stats, WP-Ads, WP-Digg Style Paginator, WP-OAuth, WP-Syntax, WP Super Cache and XRDS-Simple.

This is what I call the amazing part of open-source and WordPress.


  1. Mfz says:

    Nice collection! Thanks!

  2. patrickj says:

    Is it still correct that the Tabbed Widgets plugin is not compatible with WP 2.7?
    If so, will it be updated t work on 2.7?
    Thanks for your help …

  3. Tony says:

    Currently running tabbed widget on WP 2.7 and it works well with Opera, Safari, IE, Chrome but unfortunately it is having some issues with Firefox and repositioning at the bottom of the page.

  4. John Grabski III says:

    It looks nice but isn’t working with WP 2.7 in IE7, Chrome, FireFox & SeaMonkey.

    I’d definitely like to see this plugin in action… heck, I actually NEED this!

  5. John Grabski III says:

    Kaspars, I’m using Woothemes’ OverEasy. Stage site is currently http://www.financeforce.com/ClearMomentum … And like I said it looks nice, but won’t work in any browser I use. The rotate tabs interval doesn’t work, and the individual tabs when clicked won’t then highlight the choice… as a matter of fact the content of all the tabs is just spilled out underneath them…. So for now I have it set up using the accordion, which at least gives me some good-looking dividers.

  6. John Grabski III says:

    And yeah, tabbed widgets, that’s what I’m talking about. Sorry I forgot to mention the exact plugin as I thought for some reason (wrongly) that this page was about tabbed widgets.

  7. Kaspars says:

    John, I just had a look at your site and it turns out that your theme doesn’t produce correct widget wrappers. This post describes the problem in detail and explains how to fix it.

  8. Bak says:

    I got tabbed widgets to work in WP 2.7 with the ithemes’s FlexxTheme. Im having problems with the setting up the different tabs. The tab options shows plugins that are not activated anymore. Is there a way to refresh the list of available plugins to be placed in different tabs?
    Thank you.

  9. Kaspars says:

    Bak, the list of available widgets is generated automatically every time you load the Tabbed Widgets admin page. If you see a widget in the drop-down list even after deactivating the plugin, it means that the plugin hasn’t removed the widget settings from the database.

    Could you please explain in more detail what you mean by “list of available plugins to be placed in different tabs“.

  10. Bak says:

    I still have a couple of widgets in the list that have been deactivated (even deleted from the server). Is this a WP 2.7 bug? Will there be another version?
    I meant widgets to go in each tab.

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